
AdorkaStock & Friends Group Poses for Artists

Created by AdorkaStock

A group of experienced pose reference models coming together with professional photographers for a weekend long epic group photoshoot to make creative commons pose references for artists.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

WE'RE AT $9K?! Ruby and David are coming! Aerial & underwater unlocked! 🌊
2 months ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 09:16:58 AM

Wow what a great couple of days we've had! 🌟

I'm excited to let you know that Ruby and David have been unlocked! I am SO excited to be able to bring these two along on our group photo shoot. That means we're going to have SIX models so far. As we work through stretch goals, even more goals will be added... So this is NOT it! There's much more to come.

Our next unlock was aerial and underwater at $9k. THANK YOU! Blue, our photographer, has been practicing her underwater technical skills and she's so excited to see how drastically improved this project's efforts will be!

Next up is $10k to unlock grid suits for everyone! This would have us ordering custom suits for every model which we would wear for *some* of the photos. We'll aim to do at least a few hours of shooting with the suits, especially for poses with a lot of perspective and foreshortening as that's where they really shine! Please note that suits can be hot and uncomfortable so not all photos will be taken in the suits if this stretch goal is unlocked. ♥

And who knows...? What will come? After? That? I've already started a little plotting and scheming muhahaha :3

Please remember that BackerKit is a pledge now, pay later system. You will not be charged right away for your pledge... Money will come out of your account at the end of the campaign, August 16th. So please back with care.

If you haven't already joined us: Click here to pledge now! 

- Sarah

Group Shoot is HAPPENING! 🥳 Let's unlock some more models!
2 months ago – Sat, Jul 20, 2024 at 02:32:01 PM

Wow, we did it! Thank you so much to everyone for the support and the help yelling!! I'm very excited we're going to get to do this shoot. 

We're now working on Stretch Goals, the first of which is MY SUPER EXCITING invitation to Ruby AKA Fugitive Rabbit (who runs and David the Arrow Bard AKA Blumineck

If you help us get to $8k we'll be including these two most lovely humans in our epic group shoot!! The last time we did a big shoot we had four models so it will be fun to be able to expand to six. I already am bubbling with composition ideas!

Speaking of ideas...
As we proceed through the fundraising and booking for this event will be looking to you all for lots and lots of suggestions! If you have some multi-model themes, compositions, etc that you really want us to include please leave us some comments about them! We are going to be working from a big list during the multiday shoot and the more we can add to that list the better. 

This next stretch goal will also unlock some additional props for us which (FINGERS CROSSED) will include a pole rental for David to do his thing!!! 

I'm wildly excited to have the project funded and now I just need everyone's help to keep spreading the word to artists all over the world about this cool event. We have some more ideas to do if the funding continues past these goals so please keep helping us yell and we can make it even more awesome. 🥰✨

-- Sarah AKA AdorkaStock