
AdorkaStock & Friends Group Poses for Artists

Created by AdorkaStock

A group of experienced pose reference models coming together with professional photographers for a weekend long epic group photoshoot to make creative commons pose references for artists.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Accomodations booked, suits en route
7 days ago – Sun, Sep 22, 2024 at 05:50:07 PM

The suits are on their way to the models. We didn't get to see and approve the designs so I'm a bit 😬 about that but hopefully they are okay and fit everyone. If not at least we have some time to try again.

We booked a house! It has a pool. I hope the weather stays somewhat pleasant through the first weekend of November for us. 🥶

Not much else to report atm but things are moving along!

Backers will be able to do additional add on packs during your survey process. ♥

A few people asked about getting their add on packs sooner but it would really mess me up to try to send things out in parts. I have to ask you to be patient 🙏🏻😔  All the download packs will come out to you automagically with the fulfillment process after the shoot. 

Thanks again so much for your support! 

Booking flights, suits ordered
21 days ago – Sun, Sep 08, 2024 at 06:19:53 PM

Hey all! As mentioned the updates will be kind of sparse as there's not much to report until we actually get down there for the shoot in November.

However I did want to let you know the suits have been ordered and we've started booking the flights! ✈️

When I have something fun to show you (like the suit art previews that I'm hoping to see very soon!) I will make another update. Of course feel free to reach out anytime! 🥰

We've been filling in the suggestions list as things come to us. Feel free to leave them here or message me on socials. 

All done! ⭐ Next steps
about 1 month ago – Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 07:20:38 AM

Thank you all so much for the enthusiastic support of the project!! WE DID IT! 

Here's the next steps and what you can expect:
  • We are taking measurements from all the models to have prototypes of the suits made ASAP. 
    We are hoping to have time to try them all on before travel so we can make adjustments if needed.

  • BK has started collecting your pledges and will transfer funds to us in ~2 weeks. 
    We will then start arranging travel, studio booking, and accomodations.

  • We're open to suggestions! Though we're not doing any specific guaranteed requests we DO want your ideas! I've made a suggestions list to collect them from across socials and posts. 
    Please leave your comments here to add things. 

  • If anyone you know missed the project and still wants to get the rewards we will be opening a preorder shop closer to the shoot date. Keep an eye on socials and I will make an update here when that is live. 

  • There is going to be a long lull between now and the shoot. I don't want to spam you all with updates that don't say anything so unless we've got something to show you (like trying on the suits?) I probably won't make too many updates between now and the actual shoot (current target dates are Nov 1-4)
    Reach out ANY TIME if you have questions!

Thanks all again! 🥰

Sarah AKA AdorkaStock 

It's the FINAL COUNTDOWN! Project ends Friday
about 2 months ago – Mon, Aug 12, 2024 at 01:29:28 PM

Hey all! We are in the final few days of this project. You've all been incredible and helped us smash through every goal, thank you! 🥳

We are cramming a LOT into the two shoot days already so we won't be able to add more onto this campaign, but we're super excited to get together, get everything shot, and deliver your goodies to you! And who knows? There might be a few extra surprises along the way. ;)

If you want to join me and hopefully a few other members of the project for our end of campaign online party you can catch that on my Twitch starting Friday Aug 16th at 7:30PM Eastern. We'll be live through the end of the campaign at 8PM eastern that night and hang out a little after if people want to chat or ask questions. 

Please keep sharing the project with artists in your community so they can know about this and get the super cool rewards!! 🥰 Yay poses! 

11 Days Left - Let's keep going! 🎉
about 2 months ago – Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 03:09:06 PM

Hey all! Just wanted to make a quick update to celebrate unlocking the $10k suit goal! 🕺🏻 We've started discussions (fights?) about who's getting what color suit and I've started collecting measurements from people for the custom manufacturing. 

As a reminder, we won't be doing the full shoot in these suits. They have some limitations with mobility and they are QUITE warm under the lights. 🔥 But we hope to have a really cool selection of images in them especially stuff with perspective and foreshortening considering how very helpful they are for those types of refs.

You've supported this project so strongly!! We are super excited about everything! We're working on a few more ideas of things we can fit into the weekend without over burdening ourselves and our resources. Two things we're considering is doing part of the shoot with alternative lighting and also including some video.

Please feel free to leave a reply here if you think those two ideas might be helpful! 🥰

The project has 11 days left. If you see posts on the AdorkaStock socials give them a comment, like, or share! Help us keep yelling so we can reach as many interested artists as possible. 🌟 

Thanks again, can't wait to do this!

- Sarah AKA AdorkaStock